Shoulder Rotation & Hamstring Stretch

Are you desk-bound for long periods or at a computer? Then you know how tension can build in your neck and shoulders. Here is a cure: Do this easy-to-learn shoulder rotation and hamstring stretch for a few minutes every hour. Make it a habit and feel wonderful relief.

This is also a great movement to include in your post-workout cool-down and stretch, or anytime during the day when you need a short relaxation break. Try it just before going to bed, too. Enjoy sweet slumber

Softly lean forward, with arms folded, one leg extended, and toes pointed up. Slowly rotate your shoulders 12 to 20 times. As your muscles relax into the stretch —do not force yourself— softly lower your hips and shoulders more. Keep a straight but relaxed spine. Then with your opposite foot forward, reverse the rotation for 12 to 20 times.

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