It's never too late!

by Faye Beuby
(Port Ludlow, WA)

Yeah! Finished the Seattle Marathon

Yeah! Finished the Seattle Marathon

My running story began only a little over five years ago, competing a short local 12K race. While I didn't break any speed records, it was such fun that I decided to attempt a half marathon 2 months later in San Francisco. It was held on the actual day of my 69th birthday. Again, no speed record but I did complete it in quite a respectable time with both my daughters running at my side!

I've since run other half marathons, full marathons, 5Ks, 10Ks, 12Ks and 15Ks. In 2015 I was selected to be one of the first-ever Ambassadors for the Seattle Marathon Organization--a true honor and privilege! In representing the group in Washington State I tried to encourage other seniors to share in the fun of challenging themselves in races--even if their ultimate goal was to walk a 5K!

What makes my running significant is that I have 5 spinal fusions. Surprisingly, the running is therapeutic--love those endorphins! Additionally, I'm almost totally deaf! Though, even after receiving a cochlear implant 18 months ago, I still sport my 'deaf runner' bid for races and training--as in the photo just after completing the Seattle Marathon.

I am so impassioned about exercise that I wanted to share my enthusiasm with my local community and, as such, I began a walking group in late January 2015, consisting mainly of seniors. With so many older folks incapacitated due to chronic illnesses, it's even more critical that they keep moving. Both the exercise and the socialization that goes along with such an activity are essential elements of health in later years. Plus, if there is indeed a fountain of youth, it's exercise!

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Oct 03, 2017
Love it !
by: Logan

Great story, Faye. You are an ambassador of good health and fitness. Keep it up.

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