72 and doing good.

by Jim
(Bradenton, fl)

In 1978 I needed some serious surgery. It shocked me, opened my eyes and forced me to look at myself and open my eyes.

I lost 30 pounds, stopped smoking, changed diet and began working out. Fitness became a hobby of sorts. I joined a gym, lifted weights and began jogging.

As I turned 50 I began to notice some soreness and injuries and began yoga. The injuries and soreness went away and I began to notice an improved sense of wellness. Back, hips, legs---just felt better?

I also noticed that running seemed to cause problems (doing about 30 miles a week). I substituted walking and machines for running and increased my yoga practice to almost a daily routine.

At 55 I retired. No hobbies! What to do? You can exercise only so much. I was a teacher, so I looked into becoming a yoga teacher--found it doable--and got my teaching certificate (in a class of 20-year-olds).

Now at 72 I teach several classes a week, go to workshops and continue with a fitness program. Medically--nothing bothers me, I lightly jog four miles once or twice a week, have added HIIT and TRX. I'm not an athlete---but I feel like one!

Ram Dass has an interesting view on successful aging: Learn to be alone without being lonely. It's not about "being busy"--its finding meaning--looking forward.

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Apr 04, 2019
best webpage for fitness for us 'oldsters'
by: vanessa

This IS the best webpage for fitness for us over 50. Logan's advice is 'spot-on'..especially his advice about cutting back, if and when the hardcore stuff is hurting more than helping you be fit. Better to follow sound, sane advice (like his) than push yourself into injury and have to recover (if you don't just quit for good). The eating advice is sound too. You dont have to go overboard, just cut back, eat better food, and less of it! I'm in better health now, than I was, when younger. Thank you, Logan, for answering messages like mine. Keep up the good work!

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